Tuesday, November 6, 2012

FDB Raving Fan Raffle winners

CONGRATULATIONS are in order to the winners of the FDB Raving Fan contest!

Meg Phillips and Yvonne Malloy are being inducted into the FDB Hall of Fame for being 2012's Forever Dancing "Raving Fans!" Thank you for spreading the word and for helping our studio to grow!

Our two raving fans tied in submitting the most online reviews, blowing the competition out of the water. Meg won free group classes during the month of November for bringing the most students to Forever Dancing Ballroom, and for having the most tickets in the raffle. Yvonne will be receiving 2 free private lessons plus a pair of new dance shoes for winning the raffle drawing. We appreciate everyone's participation and thank you all for your positive reviews and support.

Your opinion is important to us and we love to hear your feedback and ideas. The quest to find the 2013 Raving Fan is officially open, so get those reviews in and tell your friends to come check us out-- you will be greatly rewarded!

1 comment:

  1. I’m flattened by your contents keep up the excellent work.
